something about my work process

II create art driven by shamanism and its resultant entry into the spirit world. I paint to channel the Infinite. My studio is an alchemist's laboratory; my work comes forth through the four alchemical elements: fire, earth, water, and air. Fire and earth create pigments, through natural and human-made processes, from which I make my paints from scratch.

I create paintings on canvas using a complex mixture of acrylic and urethane.  I also create works on paper.  My work ranges in size from 5 x 7 inches to 60 x 72 inches. I use aqueous mediums, acrylic and urethane, and then add polymers and other additives. I apply the paint with brushes or by flinging or pouring. I use air as a manipulation method and as a desiccant. I use air from an industrial air compressor to move the paint, and to mist and spray water. I also enlist gravity to move,and disturb the paint. I intend this technique to add a unique, mysterious texture and depth to the paintings. I mix colors both on the painting and before application. Color is vibratory; our beings are vibratory; the universe is vibratory.

My current paintings are abstract; I intend to remove the resonance of our day-to-day world. After 50 years of working with my materials, I no longer need to give conscious thought to the nature or process of creation. I get out of the way and obey the muses.

Closeup linen, TriMar stretchers, stretching pliers, and staplegun.